Online Safety
We are pleased that we have received our National Online Safety Certification for 22-23!
At The Federation of Hackbridge Primary School & Spencer Nursery School, we take online safety very seriously. We thrive to stay at the forefront of new technologies in order to engage, enthuse and inspire your child’s learning. In addition to this, we aim to give pupil’s the knowledge and skills needed for the coming technological advancements of the future.
In these exciting times of technological advancements, it is important not to deny children all access, but rather equip them with the vital skills needed to access the wonders of technology safely. As part of these skills, the knowledge to recognise and manage any potential risk online is paramount. Therefore, we shall ensure our pupils are exposed to these necessary skills.
We involve you in this wherever possible and support you in your e-safety provision at home. On this page you will find useful links and information to help you to keep your children safe online on whichever devices they use.
We hope you find this useful.
Schools in England (and Wales) are required "to ensure children are safe from terrorist and extremist material when accessing the internet in school, including by establishing appropriate levels of filtering". (DfE Prevent Duty Guidance, 2023)
Furthermore, the Department for Education’s statutory guidance ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ obliges schools and colleges in England to “ensure appropriate filters and appropriate monitoring systems are in place and regularly review their effectiveness” and they “should be doing all that they reasonably can to limit children’s exposure to the above risks from the school’s or college’s IT system” however, schools will need to “be careful that “over blocking” does not lead to unreasonable restrictions as to what children can be taught with regards to online teaching and safeguarding.”
LGFL (our filtering and monitoring provider) have completed the Safer Internet's audit to demonstrate how their particular technology systems meets the national defined ‘appropriate filtering standards'. It is important to recognise that no filtering systems can be 100% effective and need to be supported with good teaching and learning practice and effective supervision.
You can view our online safety policy via our policies page.