Reporting to parents/carers
In the autumn and spring terms, teachers hold individual pupil progress meetings with parents/carers. More details about arrangements can be found here.
At the end of the summer term, a written annual report is sent home for each pupil which contains information on their attainment and progress across the year.
For pupils in year groups where national standardised assessments have taken place, and pupils in Reception for whom the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile has been completed, those results are included within annual reports.
For pupils in year groups where national standardised assessments are not scheduled, teachers make their own assessments of whether a child is meeting age-related expectations based on the National Curriculum for that year and how much of it they have learned or can do. This assessment information is included within annual reports.
Any parent/carer who has any questions about their child’s outcomes should speak to their teacher in the first instance. They will be able to explain how they arrived at their judgement and discuss any concerns you might have.