Equality & Diversity
Our School Commitment
At The Federation of Hackbridge Primary School & Spencer Nursery School, all staff and governors are dedicated to working together to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment to ensure that everyone is part of the school community. We are committed to the belief that each child has the right of access to a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity, culture, class, religion, ability or disability. At both schools, our core values underpin everything that we do.
We strive to have equality for all by ensuring that we provide equal opportunities for everyone to have the best possible chance to succeed in life, whatever our background or identity.
We aim to create a school environment that nurtures diversity through being inclusive of everyone’s differences, where we all feel welcome, valued and supported to succeed whatever our background or identity. We celebrate our multi-cultural and multi-racial diversity.
The staff across the federation are opposed to racism in any form. We condemn discrimination against people because of skin colour, other racial difference, cultural background, religion or nationality, because it is wrong, offensive and illegal. Every member of the Hackbridge Primary School community should feel their racial identity, language, religion and culture are valued and respected.
As a primary school and a nursery school, we have chosen not to teach our pupils about sexual relationships, however we do teach all parts of the statutory Relationships Education guidance. The staff across the federation are opposed to all forms of discrimination on the basis of sexuality or gender. We actively support members of the LGBTQ+ community and promote the use of language that does not reinforce gender stereotypes.
The Federation of Hackbridge Primary School & Spencer Nursery School provides education to children with a wide range of learning needs, including neurodevelopmental disorders. We have high expectations for all our learners and are committed to providing the support and adaptations that every child needs to achieve and progress. The staff actively promote and celebrate the achievements of disabled persons, including those with neurodevelopmental disorders, ensuring that everyone, of all different abilities, experiences the schools as accessible and welcoming.
At our schools, we are committed to working with our families and the wider local community to ensure that multi- cultural, multi faith and the ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom is understood and valued. We will teach all children about ‘fundamental British values’ in an age-appropriate way through a broad and balanced curriculum and also through the examples set by all members of staff. The British Values are: Democracy, The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect, Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
Our Aim
The Federation of Hackbridge Primary School & Spencer Nursery School aims to promote equality and develop positive relationships by tackling any form of discrimination. We seek to remove any barriers that may prevent children from participating in all aspects of school life; enabling them to achieve and make progress. We seek to remove barriers to access and participation that may prevent parents and carers being fully involved in the wider education of their child at school.
We will take positive action in the spirit of the Equality Act 2010 with regard to eliminating discrimination and harassment and to developing and promoting a culture of inclusion, support and awareness within the schools.
Dealing with racist, homophobic, disablist and other discriminatory incidents
Clear procedures are in place to ensure that racist incidents, racial discrimination, racial harassment, homophobic incidents, homophobic discrimination, homophobic harassment, disablist incidents and any other forms of discrimination are dealt with promptly and firmly. It is the responsibility of all staff to implement these consistently. The Leadership Team have particular responsibility to act on reported incidents.
Any child demonstrating discriminative behaviour - including racist, homophobic or disablist behaviour - will be dealt with according to the school Behaviour Policy. Procedures will be carried out with the aim of clarifying that further discriminative behaviour will not be tolerated, but also of demonstrating support to those harmed by the behaviour. Witnesses, as well as those harmed by the behaviour, will be treated with sensitivity and care within the structured pastoral system.
Any incidence of children displaying racist, homophobic or disablist behaviour will be responded to.
This must include:
- a restorative conversation;
- the parents/carers of all children involved being informed (both those displaying the behaviour and those affected by it);
- Senior Leadership Team being informed.
It may include:
- further conversations with the child and/or family to provide information regarding the school’s Equality and Diversity policy;
- a consequence;
- an Individual Behaviour Support Plan;
- a plan of support for the child/ren affected by the behaviour;
- targeted PSHE lessons planned for a whole class or cohort;
- in very serious circumstances, a decision may be made to involve the police.
A full list of responses and how decisions are made as to which responses to make can be found in the Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy.
Further work...
We are committed to developing the equality and diversity of our provision and have completed whole-school audits to identify areas that could be improved. This has led to the creation of an action plan that has informed the School Improvement Plan.
Please visit our School Policies page to view our Equality and Diversity Statement and Race Equality Statement.