Home Learning
All children in Years 1 – 6 will receive a Home Learning grid relating to English, Science and the foundation subjects each half-term.
Year groups 1 – 5 will also receive a mathematics grid.
Each grid will contain 6 activities and we expect that all children complete at least 3 activities of their choice from each grid. They, of course, may complete more or all of the activities if they wish.
By allowing you to see the range of activities that need to be completed over the half-term, we hope that home learning can fit into your family schedule and become something that you can enjoy working on together with your child when it suits you, rather than working to weekly deadlines.
Year 6 children will receive English and mathematics Home Learning on a weekly basis as they prepare for their end of Key Stage 2 assessments in May.
Tasks should take a minimum of 15 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes.
Children can complete their home learning online using their Google Classroom and G Suite for Education accounts. If needed, however, parents/carers can request a Home Learning book for their child to complete their activities in.
The review dates are on the grids.
At Hackbridge Primary we believe that:
- Home learning should be set regularly and consistently throughout the school.
- Home learning should consist of worthwhile activities which extend and develop the school's curriculum.
- Home learning should include a balanced range of tasks which are both written and non-written and which encourage an ongoing partnership between the school and home.
- Home learning should change in its nature as children get older. In Key Stage 1, home learning activities develop a partnership with parents or carers, involving them actively in children's learning. As children get older, home learning provides an opportunity for children to develop the skills of independent learning.
Google Classroom
When pupils join our school, we set them up with their own G Suite for Education account which gives them direct access to the Google Classroom for their class. You do not need a code to join the Google Classroom, as we have set the children as members of the correct rooms - you just need to log into Google Classroom using the account details for your child that the school has emailed to you.
We also share other learning information on Google Classroom from time to time.
Children are expected to read regularly at home as appropriate to their age and ability.
Ideally, children should be reading every night at home. Please support your child in their reading progress by giving them some time to share their book and to hear them read or read with them.
Any reading which your child does with you should be recorded daily in their Home-School Contact Book. Please sign your child's Home-School Contact Book every time that you have heard them read.
We are conscious that parents sometimes feel that the methods that their children are now taught are very different from the methods that they grew up with. Please approach your child's class teacher if you have any queries.
You may also find the following calculations policies helpful to read as it sets out the methods taught in each year group for the four operations.
Year 6
In addition to the above, children in Year 6 are set further activities that will enable them to prepare for High School.