
Absence - Hackbridge Primary School

What do I do if my child is absent?

We know that illness is unavoidable and to be expected but knowing whether pupils are going to be absent from school and the reasons for any absences is an important safeguarding issue for the school.

It is therefore, vitally important that if your child is not going to be in school that you complete the Absence Form by 9:00am for each day of absence.

You can find the Absence form here.

If you are unable to access the form, please either call the school and leave a message on the school absence line on 020 8647 7974, Option 1 (you do not need to speak to a member of the office staff) or email the office on:

Please note that if your child is unwell for 5 or more days, medical evidence may be requested. If your child’s attendance falls below 90% medical evidence will be requested for any attendance to be authorised.

You can find the Attendance Policy Summary here

You can find the Attendance Policy here

Absence - Spencer Nursery School

What do I do if my child is absent?

We know that illness is unavoidable and to be expected but knowing whether pupils are going to be absent from school and the reasons for any absences is an important safeguarding issue for the school.

Please either call the school and leave a message on the school absence line on 020 8648 4126, Option 1 (you do not need to speak to a member of the office staff) or email the office on: 


At Hackbridge Primary School, we monitor attendance closely as we know for the children to achieve their best at school they have to be here often.

Below is an example of how quickly poor attendance and odd days off can escalate to your child being persistently absent.

Attendance Chart


The school day starts promptly and the class teachers have learning activities set up for the children as soon as they enter the classroom and start their main teaching after the registers are taken, once the gates are closed. Anyone arriving after the gates are closed, your child will be marked as ‘Late’ on the register and will enter through the main school offices.

Children have expressed to us that they find it embarrassing to be late and unsettling as they have missed the start of their lessons. They then do not know straight away what they are meant to be doing and depending on how late they are they may have already missed a lesson. All teaching staff ensure this transition is as smooth as can be, but they cannot take away the fact that your child is late.        

Please make every effort to ensure your child is on time each day.

The start times for each year group are as follows:


Year Group School Site

Gates open at...

Gates close/Official start of the school day
Nursery Hackbridge Corner

Caterpillars: 8.25am

Honeybees: 8.55am

Tadpoles: 12.25pm

Caterpillars: 8.30am

Honeybees: 9.00am

Tadpoles: 12.30pm

Reception Hackbridge Corner 8.35am 8.45am
Year 1 Hackbridge Corner 8.35am 8.45am
Year 2 Hackbridge Corner 8.35am 8.45am
Year 3

London Road

8.50am 9.00am
Year 4 London Road 8.50am 9.00am
Year 5 Hackbridge Corner 8.35am 8.45am
Year 6 Hackbridge Corner 8.35am 8.45am


Special Leave Request

As detailed in our Attendance Policy, and in line with DfE guidance, we do not authorise leave of absence during term other than when exceptional circumstances permit. If you wish to take your child out of school, during term time, it is important to discuss this with us as much in advance as possible so we can guide you through the process. 

Where absence is unauthorised, it could lead to further action being taken including a penalty notice being issued.

Approval for leave must be applied for BEFORE organising any travel plans.  Leave will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.  

Please fill in the Special Leave form here.