Spencer Nursery School

Telephone - Spencer Nursery School:

020 8648 4126 Option 1 to report a child's absence from school

020 8648 4126 Option 2 for the School Office

Fax: 020 8648 7941

Email: office@spencernurseryschool.org.uk

Web Site: www.spencernurseryschool.org.uk

Our office staff are available to answer enquiries between 8.00am and 4.00pm.

Our office staff at Spencer Nursery School are:

Lauren Jackson - Nursery Manager

Emma Dix - School Assistant

Mrs Saunders (Finance & Operations Manager) and Miss Parsons (HR & Governance Officer) work across both schools.

Spencer Nursery School


  • Spencer Nursery School
  • Spencer Road
  • Mitcham Junction
  • Mitcham
  • Surrey
  • CR4 4JP

Contact Information

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